Church Calendar

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Highlighted Upcoming Events

Couples Night

Couples Night

Can’t remember the last time you enjoyed a night out with your spouse? Well, mark your calendars for Saturday, February 15th as we will be hosting our annual Couples Night here in the fellowship hall beginning at 6:00pm! Plan on an evening of fun, fellowship, and of course, food! We will be serving dinner so please sign the sheet at the Resource Center so we know how many people to plan for.
Also, mark if you will be bringing any children as we plan to provide childcare. There is a separate sign-up sheet if you are able to watch the kids in the nursery that evening. We will feed you and pay $30 to everyone that provides childcare.

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5th Sunday Fellowship

5th Sunday Fellowship

Sunday, December 29th will be a day to celebrate the “Giving and Sharing” (i.e., the giving of financial resources and the sharing of the Gospel) that ESBC accomplished this past year (2024). As such, we will have a catered breakfast for all church members at 9:30am.
No need to bring a side-dish, just RSVP and then come and enjoy the food and fellowship as we celebrate ‘what was’ in 2024 and what ‘WILL BE’ in 2025. During breakfast we will also hear some brief updates from the Mission Team that recently served in India. Please sign up at the Resource Center.

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Annual Christmas Party

Annual Christmas Party

On Wednesday, December 18th at 6:30pm we are having our East Shore Baptist Church Annual Christmas Party! Instead of Wednesday evening classes we will have everyone gather together in the Fellowship Hall for some desserts, gifts, a Christmas hymn sing and a brief devotional.

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Live Nativity! Christkindlmarkt- Linglestown

Live Nativity! Christkindlmarkt- Linglestown

 ESBC Students in Live Nativity! – On Saturday, December 14th, from 1:45  – 2:30 p.m., our own ESBC Students will present a Live Nativity at the Lower Paxton ‘Christkindlmarkt’ (A traditional outdoor German Christmas Festival).  The event is held in the historic village of Linglestown. Come out and support our Students as they use this event as an evangelistic opportunity to show others about the birth of our Savior!

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Women's Christmas Party

Women's Christmas Party

The Annual Women’s Christmas Party will be held on Friday, December 6 beginning at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner will be provided by the men of ESBC and childcare is provided, upon request.
Cindy, the Central Region Volunteer for Woven Women will be our guest speaker. Woven Women is a Baptist Resource Network community that provides intentional discipleship, leadership development, and missional engagement for women in leadership in the local church.
Please sign the clipboard at the Resource Center if you plan to attend – and bring a friend!

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Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Don’t miss this! On Saturday, October 26th from 5:00 – 7:30pm, we will host our annual Fall Festival. We will have bounce houses, yard games, free food, a Gospel Presentation....and we will end our evening with Trunk-or-Treat! Best decorated trunk will win a prize!

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Feeding the Homeless

Feeding the Homeless

On Saturday, August 26 @ 10am, we will be passing out food bags to the homeless in Harrisburg. We will leave the church parking lot at 10am and should be back by noon.

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Prayer Walk

Prayer Walk

The adult Sunday School classes are sponsoring a Prayer Walk for the start of the new school year on Sunday, August 25th. Everyone is invited to attend. We will meet at Paxtonia Elementary School (6135 Jonestown Road) on Sunday, August 25th @ 9:30am (normal Sunday School starting time). We will prayer walk at the school for about 20 minutes and then return to the church Fellowship Hall where we will enjoy donuts, fruit, and other refreshments.

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Church Picnic

Church Picnic

We will be having our annual end-of-summer picnic on Wednesday, August 21st @ 6pm. The church will be providing hamburgers and hotdogs, we just ask that everyone bring a side dish to share. Bring your lawn chairs and any yard games you would like…and remember to invite a friend!

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National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer

We will have four, fifteen-minute incremental prayer times. Focus topics will center around our nation’s (and world’s) need for the Gospel, our governmental leaders, churches across America, and ministry needs here at ESBC.

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Ladies Craft and Game Night

Ladies Craft and Game Night

Crafters- bring your latest project you’re working on. If crafting is not your thing, bring a game to share. And if you’re not a crafter or a gamer, come for the fellowship! If you are able, please bring a snack to share and invite a friend!

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The Great Night Out with Mark Cable

The Great Night Out with Mark Cable

A Great Night Out with Mark Cable - Singer, Songwriter, and Funny Guy! On Tuesday evening, March 19th at 6pm, the JOY Club is proud to sponsor A Great Night Out for everyone! We will enjoy a potluck supper (meat dishes provided, please bring a side dish) and then be entertained by Mark Cable and his wonderful music and humorous stories.

Please help us get a head count for food preparation by signing up below!

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Dads and Donuts

Dads and Donuts

Attention all dads and grandfathers, Saturday, March 2nd, from 8am – 12noon, there will be a workshop on how to be the spiritual head of your family.

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Couples Dinner

Couples Dinner

Can’t remember the last time you enjoyed a night out with your spouse? Well, mark your calendars for Saturday, February 24th as we will be hosting our annual Couples Night here in the fellowship hall beginning at 6pm!

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

We would love for you to join us at 6pm on Sunday, December 24th in the sanctuary for our annual Christmas Eve Service. We have invitations for you to hand out to your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and everyone you meet while out Christmas shopping!

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Ladies Christmas Dinner

Ladies Christmas Dinner

You’re invited to join the ladies of ESBC for the annual Christmas Dinner on Friday, December 1st at 6 p.m. Dinner will be provided as we celebrate the birth of Christ, our Emmanuel and enjoy our second, annual cookie exchange!
RSVP in the church Resource Center or contacting the church office and please note if you would like to participate in the cookie exchange and if you require childcare. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Joy Club

Joy Club

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mark Cable has had to postpone his time at East Shore Baptist. This event will be rescheduled for a later date. But wait! the JOY Club will continue to meet on Tuesday, November 21st at 6pm. Come join this ministry for food and fellowship!

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Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Saturday, October 28 from 4 - 7pm, we will host our annual Fall Festival. We will have bounces houses, yard games, hayrides, a chili cook-off, free food, a Gospel Presentation....and we will end our evening with Trunk-or-Treat!

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Legacy Planning Workshop

Legacy Planning Workshop

There will be a Legacy Planning Workshop on Wednesday, September 6th at 6:30pm. The Legacy Planning Workshop will help you understand the importance of preparing for the future. You will be able to take a closer look at your estate and the options available to you. The step-by-step workbook will help you itemize your assets and identify any estate areas you need to address. You will also receive additional information and resources that will help you make informed decisions about how you want to leave a lasting legacy. We are all stewards of the resource God has entrusted to us. Being able to make wise decisions through our estates is vital to being good, godly managers. This workshop is sponsored by the Baptist Resource Network (BRN) and will be ledl by Chuck Know, Legacy Coach at the BRN.

Please sign up in the lobby by Sunday, September 3rd if you are interested in attending. The required workbook costs $25 (couples may share  a copy).

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Prayer Walk for our Schools

Prayer Walk for our Schools

August 27th we will not be having adult Sunday School classes. Instead, we will be meeting at 9:30am at Paxtonia Elementary School for a prayer walk to pray for kids from kindergarten through college, teachers, school staff, bus drivers, and administrators.
After about 15 minutes of prayer, we will go back to the church fellowship hall for some breakfast. If  you do not attend a Sunday School class, you are still invited to attend.

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Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry

On Saturday, August 26 @ 10am, we will be passing out food bags to the homeless in Harrisburg. We will leave the church parking lot at 10am and should be back by noon. Those interested should sign up at the Resource Center or call the church office at 717-657-0614.

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End of Summer Picnic

End of Summer Picnic

We will be having our end-of-summer picnic on Wednesday, August 16 @ 6pm at the pavilion. Plan to bring your lawn chairs and a friend! The church will be providing hotdogs and hamburgers, we just ask that everyone bring a side to share.

There is a sign-up sheet at the Resource Center to mark what you will bring, as well as how many will be coming.

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Joy Club

Joy Club

All of our active people over the age of 50 are invited to the next JOY Club Meeting on Tuesday, August 15 @ 6pm. After a short devotion and a hearty meal, we will be packing food items for distribution to the homeless in Harrisburg.

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Vacation Bible School
to Aug 11

Vacation Bible School

Don’t have your kids miss this summer’s VBS at East Shore Baptist Church with a theme “Twists & Turns”. 5:45-8:30 pm each night August 7-11. Optional food will be provided 5:30-5:45 each night.

Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! You’ll need to bring your A-game for this VBS. Twists & Turns is a fantastical celebration of games of all kinds. From classic tabletop games to video games and more, kids will play their way through VBS while learning that Jesus guides them through all the twists and turns of their lives. They’ll find that even when they mess up it’s never “game over.”

Pre-K (4yrs old) through 8th Grade


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