HFGs stands for “Home Fellowship Groups” which simply put is our language for “small groups.”
A Home Fellowship Group (HFG) creates an environment of spiritual intimacy among believers, while affording the opportunity for individuals to explore faith and ask questions in a non-threatening environment. This ministry is focused around a small group concept that participates in good food, fellowship, accountability, and prayer. Following the model of Acts 2:42, HFGs typically meet weekly on Sunday evenings in the comfort of our homes.
Why be a part of an HFG?
Our HFGs help fulfill the “one another” commands of Scripture. It allows you to be a part of a community of believers to share life with. It’s an environment that’s safe for believers to share burdens with others, conquer sin with others, to be prayed for and for others, to grown in the likeness of Jesus with others. Simply put, it is a place to tangibly obey and live out Jesus’ command to “love one another.”
Each time an HFG gathers there is prayer, sermon based discussion, accountability, and great fellowship. We strongly encourage you to be a part of an HFG!