Sermon Archive

Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

Will God Go With You? (Exodus 32:30-33:17)

In this sermon we will pick up the story of the Israelites and the gold calf in Exodus 32:30-33:17. In this passage, Moses attempts to restore the relationship with God. The situation becomes more desperate when God threatens to not go with them into the Promised Land. The people mourn and seek God because they realize being with God is more important than anything else. Will God go with His people? Does He go with you? Do I value knowing God and being in His presence through Jesus Christ? If so, how much do I value that relationship?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

Who Is Your God? (Exodus 32)

In this sermon we will look at the infamous story of the golden calf from Exodus 32. We'll learn about the deceptiveness of sin and the damage it can cause. Yet, we will also see our need for a mediator and God's amazing compassion for His people. We should turn away from idols in our own lives, but when we fail, our God is gracious and merciful. What idols am I tempted by? How does God respond to me when I sin?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

A Holy Place for the Holy God (Exodus 25-30)

We will also be continuing our study of the book of Exodus by looking at Chapters 25-30. We will be covering a lot of ground this week as God gives instructions for building a holy tabernacle and for consecrating holy priests. While it may seem irrelevant, these chapters are actually very important, because they describe the place where God's presence will dwell with His people. It would have been encouraging news for the Israelites, but it should be even more encouraging for us because we no longer have to go to a particular place or rely on priests to worship God. Through Jesus Christ, our better priest, we have access to God wherever we are!

Why does God give so many specific instructions in these chapters? Why is being in God's presence important?

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