A Holy Place for the Holy God (Exodus 25-30)

We will also be continuing our study of the book of Exodus by looking at Chapters 25-30. We will be covering a lot of ground this week as God gives instructions for building a holy tabernacle and for consecrating holy priests. While it may seem irrelevant, these chapters are actually very important, because they describe the place where God's presence will dwell with His people. It would have been encouraging news for the Israelites, but it should be even more encouraging for us because we no longer have to go to a particular place or rely on priests to worship God.

Through Jesus Christ, our better priest, we have access to God wherever we are! Why does God give so many specific instructions in these chapters? Why is being in God's presence important?

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Pastor John Toone

Pastor John Toone had served as East Shore’s Associate Pastor from June 2014 until his appointment as Senior Pastor in September 2020. 

John’s passion is to glorify God and see His Word transform lives into the image of Christ, by the Holy Spirit’s power, in fulfillment of the Great Commission. He enjoys spending time with his family, talking about the Bible and theology, reading, watching movies, and cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles!


Work and Rest (Exodus 31)


Worship In God's Presence (Exodus 24)