Sermon Archive
Our Mission: To Raise Up Godly Leaders (Titus 1:5-9)
The Apostle Paul challenges our church to raise up godly leaders in Titus 1:5-9. Elders are one example of those kinds of leaders, but every believer should aspire to grow in spiritual maturity.
As you prepare for the message, please read the passage and ask yourself,
"Am I growing in my love for the Lord?"
"Do I lead/inspire others to know/worship Him?"
"Does my character reflect my relationship with Jesus?"
Titus: Mission Of The Church
We start a new sermon series through the book of Titus. Our focus will be on what God says our mission/goal as a church should be. In Titus 1:1-4, we'll talk about our responsibility to know the truth, live it out, and trust in the hope of eternal life.
As you prepare for the message, please read the passage and ask yourself, "How did I come to know God's truth?" "How does knowing that truth make a difference in my life?"
The Fulfilled Hope of Christmas (Luke 2:22-40)
In this sermon, we'll skip ahead to Luke 2:22-40, when baby Jesus is presented at the temple. Two senior saints (Simeon and Anna) have been longing to see the Messiah and in this story, their hopes are fulfilled. Jesus was and will be the fulfillment of our hopes as well. This Christmas, we can trust in Him.
Where have I seen God keep His promises?
How can I wait for God to fulfill my hopes?
The Merciful Hope of Christmas (Luke 1:57-80)
In this sermon we look at how God showed His mercy to His people through the birth of John the Baptist in Luke 1:57-80. He showed mercy on Elizabeth and Zechariah by giving them a child and He showed mercy on His people by sending John to prepare the way for the Savior, Jesus Christ. God continues to treat us far better than we deserve and show us mercy today.
How have a seen God's mercy in my own life?
How have a responded to God's mercy?
The Magnificent Hope of Christmas (Luke 1:39-56)
In this sermon we return to celebrating the hope of Christmas from The Gospel of Luke. We'll focus on Luke 1:39-56 and Mary's song of praise. This song celebrates the upcoming birth of her Son, Jesus Christ, and rejoices in how He reflects the loving care of His Heavenly Father.
Why is Jesus worth celebrating? How do I celebrate Jesus?
What Child is This? (Luke 1:26-38)
In this sermon, ESBC member and seminary student Stephen Howard preaches. He'll share about Mary the mother of Jesus from Luke 1:26-38. This passage will help us see that God chose to enter the world through an unlikely person from an unremarkable place. The angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary describes the Savior foretold by the prophets and demonstrates that nothing is impossible with God.
Why did God choose to enter the world through an unlikely person from an unremarkable place?
If nothing is impossible with God, how should I live?
The Hope of Christmas (Luke 1:5-25)
Life can often feel discouraging. When we are in the middle of those discouraging times, it can be tempting to succumb to hopelessness. Through the story of Zechariah in Luke 1:5-25, we can discover that the good news of Jesus provides Hope for the Hopeless.
When am I tempted to feel discouraged or hopeless?
How can Jesus be a source of hope to those who feel hopeless?
What To Do After The Election (Colossians 4:2-6)
The 2024 election is only a few days away. Maybe you think about it with excitement, anxiety, or relief that the political ads will stop. In this sermon, Colossians 4:2-6 will remind us that while elections are important, the daily decisions that we make to live for Christ are more important. Believers should daily decide to pray, share the good news, and walk in wisdom toward non-believers. Why are the daily decisions I make to live for Christ so important? How can I put those decisions in the proper perspective?
Together Again At Last (Exodus 40)
In this sermon we will finish the book of Exodus with Chapter 40. The last few verses of the chapter in particular show us how God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt so that they could be in His presence. This is like how He rescues us today from our slavery to sin. God came to live with His people in the tabernacle, just like Jesus came to live with us as a human. God's presence travels with His people, just like the Holy Spirit goes with us today.
What has God done for me so that I could be in His presence? How will I respond to what God has done?
More Than Enough for the Work (Exodus 35-39)
In this sermon we will look at how God's people built a place to be with and worship Him in Exodus 35-39. In particular, we'll focus on 35:4-36:7 where Moses challenges the people to give to God's work. In response, they give more than what is needed.
Do I value God's work (and what He has done for me in Jesus Christ) that I give like that?
Show Me Your Glory (Exodus 33:18)
Exodus 33:18 through the end of chapter 34 tells us about how God gave Moses a powerful glimpse of His glory. Through this event, Moses comes to a deeper understanding of God's mercy, grace, love, faithfulness, forgiveness, and justice. That experience has a profound impact on Moses and it can have an impact on us too. As we understand more of who God is, our lives are changed and other people can see the difference. What is God's character? How should drawing close to God impact my life?
Will God Go With You? (Exodus 32:30-33:17)
In this sermon we will pick up the story of the Israelites and the gold calf in Exodus 32:30-33:17. In this passage, Moses attempts to restore the relationship with God. The situation becomes more desperate when God threatens to not go with them into the Promised Land. The people mourn and seek God because they realize being with God is more important than anything else. Will God go with His people? Does He go with you? Do I value knowing God and being in His presence through Jesus Christ? If so, how much do I value that relationship?
Who Is Your God? (Exodus 32)
In this sermon we will look at the infamous story of the golden calf from Exodus 32. We'll learn about the deceptiveness of sin and the damage it can cause. Yet, we will also see our need for a mediator and God's amazing compassion for His people. We should turn away from idols in our own lives, but when we fail, our God is gracious and merciful. What idols am I tempted by? How does God respond to me when I sin?
Work and Rest (Exodus 31)
We'll return to the book of Exodus. Chapter 31 pictures the special balance between the work God calls us to do for Him and the rest that He also allows us to enjoy. In the first half of the passage, God uses the gifts and talents that He gave to particular Israelites to do His work. In the same way, God equips each of us in unique ways to serve Him. In the second half, God speaks about the importance of resting in Him. How do you balance work and rest today? What role does God have in your working and in your resting?
A Holy Place for the Holy God (Exodus 25-30)
We will also be continuing our study of the book of Exodus by looking at Chapters 25-30. We will be covering a lot of ground this week as God gives instructions for building a holy tabernacle and for consecrating holy priests. While it may seem irrelevant, these chapters are actually very important, because they describe the place where God's presence will dwell with His people. It would have been encouraging news for the Israelites, but it should be even more encouraging for us because we no longer have to go to a particular place or rely on priests to worship God. Through Jesus Christ, our better priest, we have access to God wherever we are!
Why does God give so many specific instructions in these chapters? Why is being in God's presence important?
Worship In God's Presence (Exodus 24)
In this sermon we will return to Exodus to witness a powerful worship experience in Exodus 24. This text will show us how our commitment to God leads to deeper fellowship with Him. It will also remind us that a sacrifice was needed to make that commitment and fellowship possible. Our sacrifice was and is Jesus Christ.
What does practical commitment to God look like in my life?
Do I experience fellowship with God when I worship?
What Else Does God Care About? (Exodus 22-23)
In this sermon we'll finish looking at God's Laws from this section of Scripture known as the Book of the Covenant in Exodus 22-23. We'll learn that God cares about loving those in need, commitment to a relationship with Him, and the future of His people. He cares for us and calls us to care for others.
What commitment do I have to God?
Based on that commitment, how should I treat others?
What Does God Care About? (Exodus 20:22-22:15)
In this sermon we cover a larger section: Exodus 20:22-22:15. There verses are part of the Old Testament Law. The OT Law is sometimes difficult to read through and apply to our lives. However, if we keep the big picture in mind, we will discover that this passage instructs us in what God cares about. He cares about worship, He cares about the value of life, and He cares about seeing restoration in the midst of the world's brokenness. Prepare to learn more about the heart of our Lord and be encouraged!
What do I think God cares about? Do I care about worship, the value of life, and restoration? Why or why not?
Love Your Neighbor (Exodus 20:12-17)
In this sermon we continue looking at the 10 Commandments from Exodus 20:12-17. These commands flesh out the biblical command to love your neighbor as yourself. At the same time, there are broader principles from these commands that we can apply to our lives today, because Jesus has fulfilled these commands on our behalf.
How should my relationship with God impact how I treat others?