Sermon Archive
Now What? (Colossians 3:12-17)
To kick off 2025, Stan Smith (a former church pastor, Executive Director at the Baptist Resource Network, and faithful member of our church) will preach from Colossians 3:12-17. He will challenge us to think about what we should do for the Lord and how we should grow in this new year.
As you prepare for the message, please read the passage and ask yourself, "How does the Lord want me to grow in 2025?"
Giving and Sharing in 2024 and 2025
Elder Tom Toone challenges us to give to the Lord and to share the good news about Him.
What do I give to the Lord? How do I share about Him?
What To Do After The Election (Colossians 4:2-6)
The 2024 election is only a few days away. Maybe you think about it with excitement, anxiety, or relief that the political ads will stop. In this sermon, Colossians 4:2-6 will remind us that while elections are important, the daily decisions that we make to live for Christ are more important. Believers should daily decide to pray, share the good news, and walk in wisdom toward non-believers. Why are the daily decisions I make to live for Christ so important? How can I put those decisions in the proper perspective?
Citizens of Heaven (Philippians 1:27-30)
Seminary student and church member Elvis Ritz shares with us from Philippians 1:27-30. He will challenge us with how we can be citizens of Heaven by practicing humility and selflessness and by being lights in the world that point others toward God. What does being a citizen of the kingdom of heaven mean? How can I practice humility and selflessness?
Pray On! Matthew 6:5-7
Elder Dan Long will be encouraging us to Pray On! Psalm 145:18-19 reminds us that the Lord is near to those who call on Him. so, let's call on the Lord every day!
But You Must Persevere! (Jude 1:17-23)
Deacon and seminary student Joshua Wines shares with us from Jude 17-23. The world will have a message that is contrary to what we believe. We must be aware of this and pray to stand firm in our faith, while also being on the lookout for one another. We must persevere!
What worldly messages are you tempted to believe?
How can you persevere and remain firm in your faith?
5 Important Things for Believers to Remember
Elder Tom Toone shares five important things for believers to remember as they live for the Lord.
Was there a time in your life that you thought that you had to earn your way into heaven?
How did you react to that thought?
How are you pouring into the next generation of believers?
Four Eight That! (Exodus 17:1-7)
In this sermon Elder Dan Long shares God's Word from Exodus 17:1-7 and Philippians 4:8. He'll challenge us to not be like the Israelites, but instead think about things that honor the Lord.
When things do not go the way that I want, what do I think about? What should I think about instead?
How To Get From Bitter To Sweet (Exodus 15:22-27)
Elder Tom Toone shares with us from Exodus 15:22-27. We'll talk about moving from bitter complaining to trusting and obeying God. What do I have a tendency to complain about?
What should I do instead?
Share The Gospel! (Isaiah 62)
This week we are going to be looking at Isaiah 62, the whole chapter. One core tenet of East Shore is evangelism, we love it, we share the gospel every week. We collect the evangelism stories each week to encourage us to press on.
As this is Pastor Tom's final sermon, he wants to encourage you all the more to continue sharing the gospel! It is Pastor Tom’s prayer that Isaiah 62 will only strengthen that passion of gospel proclamation.
More That A Dream (Psalm 126)
Pastor Tom encourages us from Psalm 126. We will be challenged to press on with joy, to worship God expecting Him to work, and to commit more than ever to live a life fully surrendered to Him.
Do I expect God to work in m life?
What would it look like to be joyfully surrendered to God?
God's Call to a Depraved World (Isaiah 6:1-8)
A sermon from Elvis Ritz, a seminary student at Messiah University.
The Widow's Offering (Mark 12:41-44)
Stan Smith preaches on stewardship from Mark 12:41-44.
He will challenge us with what the Bible teaches about why and how we should give to the Lord.
"Do I give some of my money to the Lord?"
"How should I give?"
Gifted To Give (1 Corinthians 1:4-9)
Deacon and seminary student Josh Wines shares an encouraging reminder that God has gifted each of us to give from 1 Corinthians 1:4-9. We have been gifted to give glory to God and to enrich one another.
How has God gifted me?
How can I be community-minded, rather than individually-minded?
Ephesians Chapter One
We start the year 2023 off with a reminder of our faith, specifically the God we worship, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and how we can encourage one another to grow in that belief. As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself:How can I encourage other believers in 2023?
Guest Speaker Steve Porschet
Steve Porschet, Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries at Winfield Baptist Church, encourages us from God's Word.
Not "By" Works, But "For" Works (Ephesians 2:8-10)
Inspired by this year's VBS theme verse, we'll then look at Ephesians 2:8-10 to talk about the relationship between salvation and good works. We are not saved "by" good works, but "by" God's grace and through faith in Jesus Christ.
Yet, we are saved "for" good works that God has prepared ahead of time for us to do for His glory.