But You Must Persevere! (Jude 1:17-23)
Deacon and seminary student Joshua Wines shares with us from Jude 17-23. The world will have a message that is contrary to what we believe. We must be aware of this and pray to stand firm in our faith, while also being on the lookout for one another. We must persevere!
What worldly messages are you tempted to believe?
How can you persevere and remain firm in your faith?
- Christmas
- Easter
- Exodus: Escape To God's Presence
- Ezra & Nehemiah
- Hope in Hard Times (Lamentations)
- Jesus Is Better (Hebrews)
- Love In A Broken World - A Study Of The Book Of Ruth
- Moving Forward - A Study Through The Book Of Joshua
- Now What?
- Rejoice & Grow (Epistle To The Philippians)
- Summer Reading With The Word
- The Hope of Christmas
- The Sermon (On The Mount)
- Titus: Mission Of The Church
- Topical Sermons
- Who Is Jesus? (Mark)