Sermon Archive

Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

A Holy Place for the Holy God (Exodus 25-30)

We will also be continuing our study of the book of Exodus by looking at Chapters 25-30. We will be covering a lot of ground this week as God gives instructions for building a holy tabernacle and for consecrating holy priests. While it may seem irrelevant, these chapters are actually very important, because they describe the place where God's presence will dwell with His people. It would have been encouraging news for the Israelites, but it should be even more encouraging for us because we no longer have to go to a particular place or rely on priests to worship God. Through Jesus Christ, our better priest, we have access to God wherever we are!

Why does God give so many specific instructions in these chapters? Why is being in God's presence important?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

Worship In God's Presence (Exodus 24)

In this sermon we will return to Exodus to witness a powerful worship experience in Exodus 24. This text will show us how our commitment to God leads to deeper fellowship with Him. It will also remind us that a sacrifice was needed to make that commitment and fellowship possible. Our sacrifice was and is Jesus Christ.

What does practical commitment to God look like in my life?
Do I experience fellowship with God when I worship?

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Pastor John Toone Pastor John Toone

What Else Does God Care About? (Exodus 22-23)

In this sermon we'll finish looking at God's Laws from this section of Scripture known as the Book of the Covenant in Exodus 22-23. We'll learn that God cares about loving those in need, commitment to a relationship with Him, and the future of His people. He cares for us and calls us to care for others.

What commitment do I have to God?
Based on that commitment, how should I treat others?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

What Does God Care About? (Exodus 20:22-22:15)

In this sermon we cover a larger section: Exodus 20:22-22:15. There verses are part of the Old Testament Law. The OT Law is sometimes difficult to read through and apply to our lives. However, if we keep the big picture in mind, we will discover that this passage instructs us in what God cares about. He cares about worship, He cares about the value of life, and He cares about seeing restoration in the midst of the world's brokenness. Prepare to learn more about the heart of our Lord and be encouraged!
What do I think God cares about? Do I care about worship, the value of life, and restoration? Why or why not?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | A Story To Remember (Mark 14)

We continue moving through the book of Mark and study chapter 14 this week. Pastor Tom will retell the story of a woman anointing Jesus before he goes to the cross. We will see in her a heart for worship and dependence on Jesus. She doesn't trust in her wealth or anything she has, but solely in Jesus Christ.

Do I have any idols in my life that I need to rid myself of?
Who is in charge of my life; myself or Jesus?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor John Toone Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor John Toone

Who Is Jesus? | Faithless vs Faithful Worship (Mark 11:12-25)

We look at the powerful account of Jesus driving money-changers out of the temple from Mark 11:12-25. This dramatic story will teach us about the faith and worship that pleases God. He is not interested in fruitless worship that doesn't have impact on how we live. Rather, our Lord is pleased by faith that leads us to pray and trust in God alone.

How do I worship God?
What does it mean to depend on God?
Is that the attitude that I have when I pray?

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