Work and Rest (Exodus 31)

We'll return to the book of Exodus. Chapter 31 pictures the special balance between the work God calls us to do for Him and the rest that He also allows us to enjoy. In the first half of the passage, God uses the gifts and talents that He gave to particular Israelites to do His work. In the same way, God equips each of us in unique ways to serve Him. In the second half, God speaks about the importance of resting in Him. 

How do you balance work and rest today?

What role does God have in your working and in your resting?

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Pastor John Toone

Pastor John Toone had served as East Shore’s Associate Pastor from June 2014 until his appointment as Senior Pastor in September 2020. 

John’s passion is to glorify God and see His Word transform lives into the image of Christ, by the Holy Spirit’s power, in fulfillment of the Great Commission. He enjoys spending time with his family, talking about the Bible and theology, reading, watching movies, and cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles!


Who Is Your God? (Exodus 32)


A Holy Place for the Holy God (Exodus 25-30)