Sermon Archive
The Fulfilled Hope of Christmas (Luke 2:22-40)
In this sermon, we'll skip ahead to Luke 2:22-40, when baby Jesus is presented at the temple. Two senior saints (Simeon and Anna) have been longing to see the Messiah and in this story, their hopes are fulfilled. Jesus was and will be the fulfillment of our hopes as well. This Christmas, we can trust in Him.
Where have I seen God keep His promises?
How can I wait for God to fulfill my hopes?
The Merciful Hope of Christmas (Luke 1:57-80)
In this sermon we look at how God showed His mercy to His people through the birth of John the Baptist in Luke 1:57-80. He showed mercy on Elizabeth and Zechariah by giving them a child and He showed mercy on His people by sending John to prepare the way for the Savior, Jesus Christ. God continues to treat us far better than we deserve and show us mercy today.
How have a seen God's mercy in my own life?
How have a responded to God's mercy?
The Magnificent Hope of Christmas (Luke 1:39-56)
In this sermon we return to celebrating the hope of Christmas from The Gospel of Luke. We'll focus on Luke 1:39-56 and Mary's song of praise. This song celebrates the upcoming birth of her Son, Jesus Christ, and rejoices in how He reflects the loving care of His Heavenly Father.
Why is Jesus worth celebrating? How do I celebrate Jesus?
What Child is This? (Luke 1:26-38)
In this sermon, ESBC member and seminary student Stephen Howard preaches. He'll share about Mary the mother of Jesus from Luke 1:26-38. This passage will help us see that God chose to enter the world through an unlikely person from an unremarkable place. The angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary describes the Savior foretold by the prophets and demonstrates that nothing is impossible with God.
Why did God choose to enter the world through an unlikely person from an unremarkable place?
If nothing is impossible with God, how should I live?
The Hope of Christmas (Luke 1:5-25)
Life can often feel discouraging. When we are in the middle of those discouraging times, it can be tempting to succumb to hopelessness. Through the story of Zechariah in Luke 1:5-25, we can discover that the good news of Jesus provides Hope for the Hopeless.
When am I tempted to feel discouraged or hopeless?
How can Jesus be a source of hope to those who feel hopeless?
Who Is Jesus? | Go, Tell Is On The Mountain (Mark 16:9-14)
In this sermon we talk about the amazing truth of Christ's resurrection and the amazing results that it has for our lives. Christ came to die and”
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Christmas Eve Service 2023
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Who Is Jesus? | Amazing (Mark 16:1-8)
In this sermon we talk about the amazing truth of Christ's resurrection and the amazing results that it has for our lives. Christ came to die and rise again, so that sinners could be restored to a right relationship with the Lord. That amazing truth should give us hope in dark times and inspire us to tell us about our amazing Jesus this Christmas!
Who Is Jesus? | Courage In The Darkness (Mark 15:40-47)
Mark 15:40-47 will show us the followers of Jesus who remained faithful to Him even after His death. Several women and Joseph of Arimathea showed courage in the darkness by continuing to live for Christ, even when it would have been extremely difficult to do so. Because of the gospel/good news of Christ's death and resurrection, we can find hope and courage even in the darkest moments of our lives.
When life is hard, what do I do?
What gives me hope and inspires courage in dark times?
Who Is Jesus? | The Son of God (Mark 15:33-39)
In this sermon our study through the Gospel of Mark brings us to the moment of Christ's death in 15:33-39. In this holy moment, we'll discover how Jesus was forsaken by God so that He might restore us to a right relationship with God. We'll also see how His work on the cross proves that He is the Son of God.
What did Jesus do on the cross for me?
How have I responded to His death?
Who Is Jesus? | The Mocked And Murdered King (Mark 15:16-32)
In this sermon we arrive at the crucifixion in Mark 15:16-32. We'll reflect on how Jesus was mocked, beaten, mistreated, and murdered. Yet, He took all of that punishment so that He could save us.
Why did Jesus suffer and why was He killed?
How do I respond to what Jesus has done for me?
Who Is Jesus? | The Rejected King (Mark 15:1-15)
In this sermon we'll look at Jesus' trial before the Roman governor, Pilate, in Mark 15:1-15. Even though Pilate seems to have all the power and the crowd rejects Jesus, Jesus is still the true King. He has all true power and authority and He is ultimately in control. He remains in control today, even when we turn away from Him.
He was rejected, so that we might be accepted by God.
Who has ultimate power in my life? How have I responded to Jesus Christ?
Who IS Jesus? (Mark 14:66-72)
Elder Dan continues our study through the Gospel of Mark. In Mark 14:66-72, we will learn about Peter's denial of Jesus and what it tells us about who Jesus really is.
What can I do to stay committed to Jesus?
What has Jesus done to commit Himself to me?
Who Is Jesus? | Betrayed, Abandoned, Oppressed, Yet Faithful (Mark 14:43-65)
In this sermon we will be looking at Jesus' arrest and trial before the religious leaders. He was betrayed by Judas, abandoned by His disciples, oppressed by the authorities, yet He still remained faithful. What can we learn about Him from His example? Come Sunday to find out!
Have I ever felt betrayed, abandoned, or oppressed?
What encouragement can I take from the fact that Jesus also experienced those things?
Who Is Jesus? | Not What I Will, But What You Will (Mark 14:32-42)
In this sermon we will look at Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane from Mark 14:32-42.
His example will challenge us with how we respond when our desires
collide with God's will. Will we be stubborn like the disciples? Or by
trusting in Jesus, will we follow His example by submitting to God's
When my desires are not met, how do I respond?
Even when it is hard, will I submit to God's will?
Who Is Jesus? | Communion With Jesus (Mark 14:12-25)
In this sermon we look at the first Lord's Supper from Mark 14:12-25. This passage will teach us about our communion/relationship with Jesus. It is a communion based on God's character, but broken by our sin. However, Jesus' sacrifice restores our communion with God.
What breaks my relationship with God?
How can that relationship be restored?
Who Is Jesus? | Witnesses Who Endure (Mark 13)
In this sermon we will continue looking at what Jesus has to say about the future in Mark 13. He challenges us to be witnesses for Him and endure to the end. We can do that because God takes care of His own people and Jesus is coming back. We can count on Him, because His Word is true!
Am I a witness for Jesus?
What can help me endure to the end?
Who Is Jesus? | Stay Awake and On Guard (Mark 13)
Jesus will speak about His return in Mark 13. He will tell us that His followers are to be on guard against deception and that they should stay awake, alert, and ready, because Jesus is coming back! Why is it important to be on guard against deception? Am I ready for Jesus to come back?