Sermon Archive

Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

John 5:1-17

This past Sunday, Pastor Tom encouraged us from John 5:1-17 with a message on how Jesus cleanses us and saves us from sin.
As you prepare for the message, ask yourself, “Do we want to be healed, do you want to be free from your sins? Who is Jesus that He can free us from such a power? What is He doing today?”

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Easter, Topical Sermons Pastor John Toone Easter, Topical Sermons Pastor John Toone

The Race on Easter Morning (John 20:1-9)

We look at John 20:1-9 and the account several people who were running around on the morning of Christ’s resurrection trying to figure out what happened to the tomb and body of the man they loved. The answer would surprise them and change the world!

Why do we come to church on Easter morning?

What difference does (or should) the resurrection of Jesus make in my daily life?

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Now What? Pastor John Toone Now What? Pastor John Toone

Moving Forward...Now What?

This is the the last week of our “Now What?” series.

We are going to talk about moving forward. What’s next for our church? How should we live for our Lord during this time? We will listen to the words of John the Baptist in John 3:25-30 to help us answer those questions.

Who should get the credit for what happens in a church? Is my life supposed to be about me or someone else?

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