Sermon Archive

Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

Love Your Neighbor (Exodus 20:12-17)

In this sermon we continue looking at the 10 Commandments from Exodus 20:12-17. These commands flesh out the biblical command to love your neighbor as yourself. At the same time, there are broader principles from these commands that we can apply to our lives today, because Jesus has fulfilled these commands on our behalf.
How should my relationship with God impact how I treat others?

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Pastor John Toone Pastor John Toone

Something To Share, Something To Learn (Exodus 18)

In this sermon we will be in Exodus 18, which tells us about the interaction between Moses and his father-in-law, Jethro (appropriate for Father's Day). Moses has a story to share with Jethro about how God delivered Moses and his people. Moses also has something to learn from Jethro about sharing the load of leadership. In the same way, every believer today has a story of God's grace to share with everyone they meet. Also, every believer should humbly seek to learn and grow from every conversation they have.

What story of God's grace do I have to share with others?
How can I humbly seek to learn and grow through every conversation that I have?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

The LORD I My Banner (Exodus 17:8-16)

In this sermon we will continue following God's people through the wilderness in Exodus 17:8-16. In this passage, the LORD brings a military victory to His people showing them the power of prayer, the value of supporting ministry, and most importantly that He is their banner (the One they can trust).

How has the LORD shown me that He is worthy of trust?
What should trusting Him look like?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Who Is Jesus? | The Love Of God (Mark 12:28-34)

Jesus is going to unpack the first and second greatest commandments from the Bible in Mark 12:28-34. Pastor Tom will help us discover that if we get the greatest commandment right, then all of the other commandments will fall into place.

Do I have a deep passion and hunger to love God more?
Do I desire to experience God's love? If not, why not?

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Redeeming Love: Ruth 4

We are we will be learning about Redeeming Love in the last chapter of Ruth. We will see how God uses the redeeming love of one man to show us how to love others, to bring about a happy ending to the book, and to make us look forward to a future Redeemer.

What does God’s redeeming love look like in my life? How can I show that love to others?

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Faithful Love: Ruth 1

We’re diving into the Book of Ruth to talk about Faithful Love.

Ruth Chapter 1 show us how God is always faithful to us even in the midst of bitterness and brokenness. That means that we should faithfully choose to love God in return.

As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself, “How can we see God’s love in bitter circumstances? What does it mean to faithfully love God?”

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Love In A Broken World - A Study of the Book of Ruth

We will begin a new sermon series on the Book of Ruth: Love in a Broken World. To mark the start of this new series, we are going to do something special.We received permission to use a Scripture performance video of the Book of Ruth from the ministry Piercing Word. Pastor John will introduce our new study and then we will watch the words of the Book of Ruth brought to life and tied in with the rest of the Bible.Put together we will see that Ruth is a book about how God’s love can and will save and redeem our broken world.

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