Sermon Archive

The Sermon (On The Mount) Pastor John Toone The Sermon (On The Mount) Pastor John Toone

What is Your Foundation? (Matthew 7:24-29)

It is times like this that remind us how important it is to build our lives on the right foundation. In this sermon, we talk about that very thing.

In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount by challenging us to put what He has taught into practice. To know and obey Jesus is to build a life on a solid rock rather than shifting sands.

What is my life built on? According to Jesus, how should a follower of God live?”

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The Sermon (On The Mount) Pastor John Toone The Sermon (On The Mount) Pastor John Toone

Gift Exchange (Matthew 7:7-12)

In this message, we will learn about a different kind of gift exchange in the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 7:7-12, we discover that God gives us the gift of answered prayer and expects us to give the gift of ‘doing unto others’ in return.
Do I pray like I really believe that God always answers prayer? What should ‘doing unto others’ look like in my own life?

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Topical Sermons Daniel Long Topical Sermons Daniel Long

The Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9-14)

Have you ever experienced someone praying that seemed to have a “direct line” to Jesus?

Have you ever heard someone praying and you wanted to go wake them up? What was the difference

Have you ever tried to build something without a set of instructions/plans? What was the result?

Have you ever impromptu prayed for someone? What was the result?

Have you shared the Gospel this past week? Have you even tried to share the Gospel?

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The Sermon (On The Mount) Pastor John Toone The Sermon (On The Mount) Pastor John Toone

What Jesus Thinks About Marriage (Matthew 5:31-32)

We’re continuing our series on the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:31-32, Jesus talks about how a citizen of God’s kingdom should view divorce. Divorce is a painful issue and one that must be treated with care. Still, marriage is extremely important to God and Jesus has some challenging truths to teach us about marriage and divorce.
What does the Bible say about marriage and divorce? Why is marriage important to God?

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