Sermon Archive
Pray On! Matthew 6:5-7
Elder Dan Long will be encouraging us to Pray On! Psalm 145:18-19 reminds us that the Lord is near to those who call on Him. so, let's call on the Lord every day!
The Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9-14)
Have you ever experienced someone praying that seemed to have a “direct line” to Jesus?
Have you ever heard someone praying and you wanted to go wake them up? What was the difference
Have you ever tried to build something without a set of instructions/plans? What was the result?
Have you ever impromptu prayed for someone? What was the result?
Have you shared the Gospel this past week? Have you even tried to share the Gospel?
Prayer (with Joy)
“Genuine spiritual progress is rooted in what God has done, is doing, and will do.” -Sean McDonough