Sermon Archive

Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

More That A Dream (Psalm 126)

Pastor Tom encourages us from Psalm 126. We will be challenged to press on with joy, to worship God expecting Him to work, and to commit more than ever to live a life fully surrendered to Him.

Do I expect God to work in m life?
What would it look like to be joyfully surrendered to God?

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Summer Reading With The Word Pastor John Toone Summer Reading With The Word Pastor John Toone

Loving God's Word (Psalm 119:97-112)

Do you love the Bible? That might sound like a strange question, but God calls His people to love His Word. We discover that loving God's Word impacts our thinking, changes how we live, informs what we commit to do, and it transforms our hearts.
In other words, loving God's Word is how we " the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30).

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Summer Reading With The Word Tom Sylvia Summer Reading With The Word Tom Sylvia

The Sufficiency of Scripture (Psalm 119:17-32)

Pastor Tom continues our new series: Summer Reading with the Word: A Study of Psalm 119. We look at Psalm 119:17-32 and learn how the Scriptures are sufficient for everything pertaining to life and godliness. They are sufficient to bring us to worship God and to provide comfort to us in difficult times.
What does it mean that the Bible is sufficient?

Do I view the Bible this way?

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Now What? Pastor John Toone Now What? Pastor John Toone

God Feels Distant...Now What?

We continue seeking the answer to the question “Now What?” How should we live in this confusing time? What should we do?

This week, we are going to think about what we should do when God feels distant. With all the craziness in the world today, we can sometimes wonder if God is really with us. In Psalm 19, we will discover where and how we can see God at all times.

Do I feel close to God or does He seem distant? What should I do to get closer to God?

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