Sermon Archive
John 5:1-17
This past Sunday, Pastor Tom encouraged us from John 5:1-17 with a message on how Jesus cleanses us and saves us from sin.
As you prepare for the message, ask yourself, “Do we want to be healed, do you want to be free from your sins? Who is Jesus that He can free us from such a power? What is He doing today?”
4 Signs You Are Drifting From God
Elder Tom challenged us with 4 warning signs that may indicate that we are drifting from God.
What does ‘drifting away’ from God look like? Am I drifting away from God?
The Race on Easter Morning (John 20:1-9)
We look at John 20:1-9 and the account several people who were running around on the morning of Christ’s resurrection trying to figure out what happened to the tomb and body of the man they loved. The answer would surprise them and change the world!
Why do we come to church on Easter morning?
What difference does (or should) the resurrection of Jesus make in my daily life?
Are You A Spiritual Baby?
Elder Tom Toone returns to Hebrews 5:13-14 to talk about spiritual maturity.
Am I growing spiritually? If not, why not?
I See The Evidence (Lamentations 3:22-23)
A sermon from ESBC Elder Daniel Long.
How have you seen evidence of Him in your day today?
Are You a "Yeah, but..." Person or a "Yes, but..." Believer?
A sermon from ESBC Elder Daniel Long.
How have you seen evidence of Him in your day today?
Biblical Giving
What is Biblical Giving? Its not just about money. A sermon from ESBC elder Daniel Long.
Seek and Find (Jeremiah 29:10-14)
How we can seek and find God?
Am I seeking God? What truth do we find in the Bible about Jesus Christ?”
I Fought The Law And The Law Won (Romans 13)
Elder Tom Toone shares from Romans 13 about obeying civil authorities with the message: “I Fought the Law and the Law Won.”
As you prepare for the message, please read the passage and ask yourself, “What authority figure do I struggle to obey? Who is the ultimate authority?”
What Are You Doing Here ? (1 Kings 19)
Elder Dan Long shares from 1 Kings 19 about God’s words of comfort to those who are discouraged.
When was the last time I was discouraged? How have I seen the evidence of God’s work in my life in the last week/month/year?
How To Begin To Share the Gospel?
Elder Tom Toone shares with us how we can begin to share the gospel from Zechariah 3.
Do I share the gospel? If so, how do I do it?
Who Does God's Kingdom Belong To? (Mark 10:13-16)
In this sermon, we will hear from Jesus in Mark 10:13-16 about why we should love children and what we can learn from them about faith.
What do children teach us about how we should love God? What is my role in helping children to become disciples of Jesus Christ?
Getting Back To The Basics (Colossians 3)
Elder Dan Long shares from Colossians 3 and encourages us to get back to the basics.
How have you seen the evidence of God’s work in your life in the last week/month/year?
He Is Not Here (Easter Sunday 2021)
This Easter, we look at the resurrection account in Matthew 28:1-10 and celebrate the fact that Jesus’ body is not in the tomb because He is risen!
What is the significance of the resurrection to my daily life?