Sermon Archive
Redeeming Love: Ruth 4
We are we will be learning about Redeeming Love in the last chapter of Ruth. We will see how God uses the redeeming love of one man to show us how to love others, to bring about a happy ending to the book, and to make us look forward to a future Redeemer.
What does God’s redeeming love look like in my life? How can I show that love to others?
Pure Love: Ruth 3
This week we will be looking at the pure/respectful love and actions of Ruth and Boaz. We will compare this to how God’s love always looks after our best interests and seek how we can show that kind of pure love to others.
Devoted Love: Ruth 2
We’re returning to the Book of Ruth to talk about Devoted Love. Ruth Chapter 2 will show us three characters who live out devoted love for others.
What does it mean to show devoted love? Who I am supposed to show love to?
Faithful Love: Ruth 1
We’re diving into the Book of Ruth to talk about Faithful Love.
Ruth Chapter 1 show us how God is always faithful to us even in the midst of bitterness and brokenness. That means that we should faithfully choose to love God in return.
As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself, “How can we see God’s love in bitter circumstances? What does it mean to faithfully love God?”
How To Get Along (Romans 15:1-7)
How should we get along with Christians we disagree with? The Apostle Paul looks at this issue in Romans 15:1-7.
How should Christians who disagree treat each other?
Love In A Broken World - A Study of the Book of Ruth
We will begin a new sermon series on the Book of Ruth: Love in a Broken World. To mark the start of this new series, we are going to do something special.We received permission to use a Scripture performance video of the Book of Ruth from the ministry Piercing Word. Pastor John will introduce our new study and then we will watch the words of the Book of Ruth brought to life and tied in with the rest of the Bible.Put together we will see that Ruth is a book about how God’s love can and will save and redeem our broken world.
Sharing Secrets (Philippians 4:10-23)
We will be talking about the last few verses of the book of Philippians. In Philippians 4:10-23, the Apostle Paul shares 4 secrets about the Christian life. These are 4 truths that are crucial to how we live for our Lord, but that we sometimes forget.
As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself, “Am I content? Who benefits when I give?”
What Are You Thinking? (Philippians 4:2-9)
In Philippians 4:2-9, the Apostle Paul talks about the importance of our thoughts. He encourages us to move away from thoughts of bitterness and anxiety toward trust in the Lord and thoughts that honor God. As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself, “Why does what we think about matter? What kinds of things should a Christian be thinking about?”
Pressing On Towards Home (Philippians 3:13-4:1)
What Is The Meaning Of Life? (Philippians 3:1-11)
In chapter 3 verses 1-11, the Apostle Paul answers the most important question in the world: “What is the meaning of life?” The answer may surprise you! As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself, “What is life about? How can my life be a life of meaning?”
For Example... (Philippians 2:19-20)
In this passage, the Apostle Paul provides two examples of the mind of Christ lived out. If we want to know what it looks like when a believer is working for the Lord and shining like a light, Paul shows us in this text. Pastor John will talk about these examples as well as some from church history that he hopes inspires all of us to live for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself, “What examples of faithful people have encouraged me? How can my life be an example to others?”
Working Lights (Philippians 2:12-18)
In the midst of a confusing time, in a confusing world, what are God’s people supposed to do? This Sunday we will look at Philippians 2:12-18. In that passage, the Apostle Paul encourages Christians to work and to shine as lights. In other words, we are to be “Working Lights.” A light that is not working is not very useful. Fortunately for us, God promises to work in His people. As in all things, we can trust Him. As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself, “What does it mean for me to work out my salvation and shine like a light? How can I do that?”
What Is Love? (Philippians 2:1-11)
God loves you. It’s true! God loves you. Even though we are in a confusing time, we know that this is true. The best example of love that we have in the Bible is our Lord and Savior Himself, Jesus Christ. By looking at Him we can see what true love is and learn how we can show love to others.
To Live Is Christ And To Die Is Gain (Philippians 1:18-30)
This week we are back in Philippians talking about how we do not have to fear death (because being with Christ will be better), but in the meantime, we should live a live worthy of the gospel of Christ.
The Hope of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:50-58)
Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ good news?
How can Christ’s resurrection give me hope today?
Prayer (with Joy)
“Genuine spiritual progress is rooted in what God has done, is doing, and will do.” -Sean McDonough
Rejoice & Grow (Epistle to the Philippians)
“Joy is how believers who know Christ and whose futures are guaranteed by Christ respond in the context of present difficulties.” - Gordon Fee
For Such A Time As This (Esther 4:14)
Don’t let the coronavirus quarantine the Great Commission.