Sermon Archive
Persevering Through Opposition (Ezra 4-5:2)
We finally make it to Ezra 4. Our focus will be on how to persevere when someone tries to stop us from following God. In the midst of opposition, how can we stay faithful?
Who or what tries to keep me from following God? How do I try to persevere?
Starting Over (Ezra 3)
We finally make it to Ezra 4. Our focus will be on how to persevere when someone tries to stop us from following God. In the midst of opposition, how can we stay faithful?
Who or what tries to keep me from following God? How do I try to persevere?
We're Back! Now What? (Ezra 1-2)
I this sermon, we begin on a new sermon series on Ezra-Nehemiah. Like the Israelites in exile, we have experienced many events that have kept us from serving God the way we were used to. But now, how should we move forward? The books of Ezra and Nehemiah help us answer that question. We’ll start this week in Ezra 1-2 learning about how God keeps His promises.
Will God keep what He has promised? How can I learn to trust Him?
What is Your Foundation? (Matthew 7:24-29)
It is times like this that remind us how important it is to build our lives on the right foundation. In this sermon, we talk about that very thing.
In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount by challenging us to put what He has taught into practice. To know and obey Jesus is to build a life on a solid rock rather than shifting sands.
What is my life built on? According to Jesus, how should a follower of God live?”
Start 2021 Well Grounded
How to start 2021 well grounded.
A message from Elder Wade Hutcheson.
The Choice (Matthew 7:13-23)
In this message, we will talk about an important choice we have to make this Christmas. In Matthew 7:13-23, Jesus begins to wrap up the Sermon on the Mount with a challenging application.
Does Jesus know me? Does faith in Jesus make a difference in how I live?
Gift Exchange (Matthew 7:7-12)
In this message, we will learn about a different kind of gift exchange in the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 7:7-12, we discover that God gives us the gift of answered prayer and expects us to give the gift of ‘doing unto others’ in return.
Do I pray like I really believe that God always answers prayer? What should ‘doing unto others’ look like in my own life?
To Judge or Not to Judge? (Matthew 7:1-6)
In this message, we will see what Jesus has to say about judging others in the Sermon on the Mount. Should we judge others? If not, how do we deal with people who disagree with us?
Am I hypercritical or judgmental? How should I approach addressing people who I disagree with?
Seek First the Kingdom, Not Anxiety! (Matthew 6:25-34)
We will see what Jesus has to say about anxiety in the Sermon on the Mount. We live in a confusing, stressful, and anxious world. How does Jesus encourage us to respond? What hope is there for our worries and anxieties?
What am I anxious or worried about? How does Jesus want me to view my worries and anxieties?
Going On A Treasure Hunt...(Matthew 6:19-24)
We will return to the Sermon on the Mount and consider what things we treasure or value. What values control our lives? What do we live for?
Is my treasure in heaven or on earth? Who or what really controls my thoughts and actions?
How Should We Treat Others? (Matthew 5:33-42)
We're thinking about how God calls us to treat others. In Matthew 5:33-42, Jesus talks about how a citizen of God’s kingdom should view oaths and retaliation. He will call us to take an approach that is different from the rest of the world around us.
Is honesty important to God? How are Christians supposed to treat other people?
The Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9-14)
Have you ever experienced someone praying that seemed to have a “direct line” to Jesus?
Have you ever heard someone praying and you wanted to go wake them up? What was the difference
Have you ever tried to build something without a set of instructions/plans? What was the result?
Have you ever impromptu prayed for someone? What was the result?
Have you shared the Gospel this past week? Have you even tried to share the Gospel?
What To Do On November 4th (Colossians 4:2-6)
Turn on the news, look on social media, or just drive around and see all the yard signs… it seems like everyone is focused on the upcoming election. But have you thought about what will happen after the election? This Sunday, we will look at what we should do after the election. How can we prepare to respond in a God-honoring way, regardless of the outcome? Paul’s words in Colossians 4:2-6 may give us an answer.
Should there be a difference between how I act before the election vs. after the election? How should Christians respond to a contentious political environment?
How to Grow Spiritually (Matthew 6:1-18)
We're talking about growing spiritually. Jesus expects us to grow to become more like Him through spiritual disciplines like giving, praying, and fasting. But how we actually do or practice those things is important.
Why should I want to grow spiritually? How do I give, pray, and fast? Do I do those things?
Love My Enemies? Really? (Matthew 5:43-48)
We're talking about loving our enemies. In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus challenges us with some of the most radical words in the entire Bible.
Why is it hard to love my enemies? How can I do that in my own life?
What Jesus Thinks About Marriage (Matthew 5:31-32)
We’re continuing our series on the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:31-32, Jesus talks about how a citizen of God’s kingdom should view divorce. Divorce is a painful issue and one that must be treated with care. Still, marriage is extremely important to God and Jesus has some challenging truths to teach us about marriage and divorce.
What does the Bible say about marriage and divorce? Why is marriage important to God?
The Sermon: What'd I Miss? (Matthew 5-7)
We're returning to the Sermon on the Mount. At the beginning of the year, we started looking at these words from Jesus, but our study was interrupted by the pandemic in March. Let's catch-up and review what we learned back in January, February, and early March.
What is the Sermon on the Mount about? How should a follower of Christ live?
Moving Forward...Now What?
This is the the last week of our “Now What?” series.
We are going to talk about moving forward. What’s next for our church? How should we live for our Lord during this time? We will listen to the words of John the Baptist in John 3:25-30 to help us answer those questions.
Who should get the credit for what happens in a church? Is my life supposed to be about me or someone else?