Sermon Archive
Follow the Star (Matthew 2:1-11) - Christmas Eve 2022
On Christmas eve, we focus on the star and the wise men's journey to find Jesus (a journey we are invited on as well). On Christmas Day, we focus on the gifts they gave Jesus (vs. 11) and the gift of salvation that He offers to us.
Who Is Jesus? | One vs. Many (Mark 5:1-20)
We continue our study in the Gospel of Mark in Mark 5:1-20 and marvel at how our One Lord and Savior is able to overcome many demons. We'll learn from His compassion towards one demon-possessed man and be challenged to tell others what Jesus has done for us.
If Jesus has authority over many demons, can He be relied on?
Since Jesus showed compassion, what kind of compassion do I show to others?
Who Is Jesus? | Who is This? (Mark 4:35-41)
We look at parables that emphasize how Christ's kingdom might look small, but it is surely and steadily growing! People from every people group and language will come to know Jesus Christ and His kingdom will reign over the entire world!
Who Is Jesus? | His Growing Kingdom (Mark 4:21-34)
We look at parables that emphasize how Christ's kingdom might look small, but it is surely and steadily growing! People from every people group and language will come to know Jesus Christ and His kingdom will reign over the entire world!
Who Is Jesus? | The Gospel Must Go Out! (Mark 4:1-20)
In this sermon we look at the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-20. In this parable we learn that when we share the gospel, we can expect four different responses/results. We learn that Satan is looking for opportunities to snatch people away from Christ, that the world hates the gospel and pressures people away from Christ either by persecution, lusts or temptations, and if a person cannot stand through those challenges then they will not stand at the final judgment. Only those who endure, perceive, and understand the love of Christ will produce fruit and enjoy eternal life.
Who Is Jesus? | Fan, Foe, or Family of Jesus? (Mark 3:7-35)
In this sermon we look at how different groups of people reacted to Jesus. Some were fans, who liked what He was doing, but did not follow His teaching. Some were foes, who thought He was crazy and accused Him of being in league with Satan. However, Jesus says that His family are those who do the will of God.
Who is Jesus? | Sabbaths and Healings and Hard Hearts, Oh My! (Isaiah 58:13-14)
Pastor Tom continues our study on the Gospel of Mark in Mark 2:23-3:6. We focus on two different themes this Sunday; first, Jesus is a gracious gift giver. Jesus has given us the 4th commandment to be enjoyed, not abused, therefore let's experience God's gift of rest. Second, we are going to look at the characteristics of a hardened heart and the wickedness that flows from such corruption.
As you prepare for the message, read the passage and ask yourself:Have I thanked God for the gift of rest?What does a hardened heart look like?
Who Is Jesus? | A Wedding Celebration (Mark 2:13-22)
We get a taste of what the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19 will look like. Jesus, the bridegroom is preparing His bride, the church for a wedding. It will be a wedding celebration that no one will want to miss!
In this text we will see who makes up Jesus' bride, the church, the benefits of being a part of the church, and what the church does while she waits for the marriage celebration.
Who is Jesus? | The Authority of the Son of Man (Mark 2:1-12)
We focus in on how Jesus is the divine Son of Man who has the authority to forgive sins. We should bring others to Him, because He alone has the power to save.
Who is Jesus? | Popularity vs. Compassion (Mark 1:35-45)
In our text this week, we see a contrast between pursuing popularity/notoriety and seeking to have compassion. Jesus could have enjoyed the benefits of fame/popularity, but instead, He chose to preach God's Word to those who had not heard and show compassion to those isolated and alone, like the leper. He lived to show others compassion, instead of receiving their praise and He calls us to do the same.
Who is Jesus? | The Conquering, Compassionate Savior (Mark 1:21-34)
As the title indicates, we talk about Jesus' primary message and mission on earth. His message was: The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel. His mission was to build that kingdom through followers who are fishers of men. We are called to respond to His message by turning from sin and trusting in Jesus. We are called to respond to His mission by following Jesus and telling others about Him.
Who is Jesus? | His Message and His Mission (Mark 1:12-20)
As the title indicates, we talk about Jesus' primary message and mission on earth. His message was: The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel. His mission was to build that kingdom through followers who are fishers of men. We are called to respond to His message by turning from sin and trusting in Jesus. We are called to respond to His mission by following Jesus and telling others about Him.
Who Is Jesus? | The Gospel Of Mark (Mark 1:1-11)
We begin a new sermon series on the Gospel of Mark. Our focus will be on learning who Jesus is, not as the world views Him or as we'd like Him to be, but according to God's Word.
What does it mean that Jesus is God's Son?
What does that mean for my life?
When to Praise God (Psalm 119:161-176)
We are finishing Psalm 119, and like the psalm itself, we end this series by focusing on praise. We are challenged to promise/commit to praise God and talk about what that praise looks like. Finally, we are reminded that we are able to praise God because He seeks after us.
Guest Speaker Steve Porschet
Steve Porschet, Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries at Winfield Baptist Church, encourages us from God's Word.
The Wonderful Word of the Righteous God (Psalm 119:129-144)
We can trust and depend on God's Word, because He is righteous and always does what is right.
Not "By" Works, But "For" Works (Ephesians 2:8-10)
Inspired by this year's VBS theme verse, we'll then look at Ephesians 2:8-10 to talk about the relationship between salvation and good works. We are not saved "by" good works, but "by" God's grace and through faith in Jesus Christ.
Yet, we are saved "for" good works that God has prepared ahead of time for us to do for His glory.
Loving God's Word (Psalm 119:97-112)
Do you love the Bible? That might sound like a strange question, but God calls His people to love His Word. We discover that loving God's Word impacts our thinking, changes how we live, informs what we commit to do, and it transforms our hearts.
In other words, loving God's Word is how we " the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30).
The Persecuted Faith (Psalm 119:81-96)
Pastor Tom shares from Psalm 119:81-96 about persecution and how the Scriptures can help us navigate through perilous times. The Scriptures point us toward the gospel, which gives us the motivation to endure.
How do I try to get through hard times?
When I struggle through challenging situations, what comfort can God’s Word give me?