Jesus Is Better Than Blind Faith (Hebrews 11:1-16)
Pastor Tom will be sharing about how we can put our faith to use from Hebrews 11:1-16. We will learn about the faith that God has given us and how it is better than blind faith because it is secure and certain. Then we will discuss how to put our faith to action by obeying the word of God and growing in the knowledge of God.
What is the Bible talking about when it talks about “faith”? How can I grow in faith?
- Christmas
- Easter
- Exodus: Escape To God's Presence
- Ezra & Nehemiah
- Hope in Hard Times (Lamentations)
- Jesus Is Better (Hebrews)
- Love In A Broken World - A Study Of The Book Of Ruth
- Moving Forward - A Study Through The Book Of Joshua
- Now What?
- Rejoice & Grow (Epistle To The Philippians)
- Summer Reading With The Word
- The Hope of Christmas
- The Sermon (On The Mount)
- Titus: Mission Of The Church
- Topical Sermons
- Who Is Jesus? (Mark)