Sermon Archive

Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Are We A People Of God's Word? (Nehemiah 8)

In the sermon, we look at the important connection we, as God’s people, have to the Bible, God’s Word. Believers in Jesus Christ should be known as a people of God’s Word, but is that true for us? Are we committed to reading the Bible and hearing it taught? Do we teach others what God has said in His Word? Does God’s Word change us and are we responding to what it teaches us? We’ll talk more about the importance of God’s Word for believers.
What is the role of God’s Word in my life? Are we a people of God’s Word?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

The Final Push To Sweet Victory (Nehemiah 6-7)

We return to the book of Nehemiah (chapters 6-7). The Israelites are in their final push to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and achieve sweet victory. But, starting something is much easier than finishing something. In order to finish the wall, they will need to learn to discern, prioritize, obey, and pray. If we are going to preserve in what God has called us to do in our own lives, we need to learn the same lessons.
Why is it harder to finish something than to start something?

What do I need to do to persevere in what God has called me to do?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

God Cares About How You Handle Money (Nehemiah 5)

In this sermon, we will be turning to Nehemiah 5 to learn what God has to say about how we handle money. Believe it or not, God cares about how we handle our money. He cares about how we get money and He cares about how we use it.
Do I believe that God cares about how I handle money? If I do, does it make a difference in my life?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Pray and Press On! (Nehemiah 4)

We’re going to talk about how to handle opposition. When we are following God and doing what He wants us to do, opposition will come. But when people mock us for following God or try to stop us or when we get discouraged, we should pray and then press on! We should keep going and press on in what God has called us to do.
What or who tries to stop me from following Christ? How have I been responding to that opposition?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

A Kingdom Building Project (Nehemiah 2-3)

Having talked about prayer for a few weeks, it’s time to transition to action. It’s time to talk about how we can be a part of God’s Kingdom Building Project. This Sunday (5/6/21), we will be in Nehemiah 2-3 learning about how the Israelites joined together to build the wall of Jerusalem and how we can join together to build God’s kingdom here in our local community.
What is God doing in the world through His people? What is my role in building God’s kingdom?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Desperate Prayer (Nehemiah 2:1-8)

Times like these should remind us of the importance of prayer. In this message, we will be in Nehemiah 2:1-8 learning about how we can cry out to God in our time of need with desperate prayer.
When I am in desperate need, do I pray? Why do I trust God to help me?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Humble Prayer (Nehemiah 1)

In this sermon, we will be starting the book of Nehemiah.

Chapter 1 will teach us about the importance of humble prayer. No matter what happens in our lives, our response should be to go to God in humble prayer.

What is my response when I hear bad news? What should be my response? How do I pray? How should I pray?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Repentance Is Hard (Ezra 10)

We are looking at a very difficult passage in Ezra 10. This difficult passage reminds us how hard it is to repent/turn away from our sins and follow God. We’ll talk about how we can do that and what it looks like this week.
What makes it hard to follow God? What should repentance look like in my life?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Not "Yours," Not "Mine," But "Ours" (How God's People Respond To Sin) - Ezra 9

It seems like every week there is another story about a professed Christian or Christian leader doing something that goes completely against God’s Word. How should we respond when this happens?

In this sermon, Pastor John talks about how God’s people should respond to sin from Ezra 9.

How do I react when I learn that other Christians are sinning? How should I respond?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Responding to God's Good Hand (Ezra 8)

Pastor John talks about how we should respond to what God does for us from Ezra 8. We will consider the question: “How should believers be responding to God’s good hand?”
How do I respond to what the Lord has done for me? How should I respond to God’s good hand?

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Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone Ezra & Nehemiah Pastor John Toone

Our Faith, God's Faithfulness (Ezra 5-6)

In this message, we will look at Ezra 5-6. This passage will tell us about how God calls us to act in faith and how God shows us His faithfulness.
In what area(s) of my life is God challenging me to show greater faith in Him? How should I respond when God shows me His faithfulness?

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