Sermon Archive

Easter, Topical Sermons Pastor John Toone Easter, Topical Sermons Pastor John Toone

The Race on Easter Morning (John 20:1-9)

We look at John 20:1-9 and the account several people who were running around on the morning of Christ’s resurrection trying to figure out what happened to the tomb and body of the man they loved. The answer would surprise them and change the world!

Why do we come to church on Easter morning?

What difference does (or should) the resurrection of Jesus make in my daily life?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone

Jesus Is Better Than Your Best Life Now (Hebrews 11:17-40)

In the sermon, we continue discussing faith from Hebrews 11:17-40. Faith in this chapter is considering who God is and acting in obedience to what He has said in His Word. We may not be considered worthy of much here on earth, but our goal is not to have our best lives now. Jesus has something better prepared for us in eternity.
What do you need to think about in order to respond to God’s Word by faith?

Why is knowing Jesus better than having your best life in the here and now?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor Tom Sylvia Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor Tom Sylvia

Jesus Is Better Than Blind Faith (Hebrews 11:1-16)

Pastor Tom will be sharing about how we can put our faith to use from Hebrews 11:1-16. We will learn about the faith that God has given us and how it is better than blind faith because it is secure and certain. Then we will discuss how to put our faith to action by obeying the word of God and growing in the knowledge of God.
What is the Bible talking about when it talks about “faith”? How can I grow in faith?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone

Jesus Is Better Than Skipping Church (Hebrews 10:19-25)

In this sermon, we’ll be talking about how much better a relationship with Jesus is than skipping church from Hebrews 10:19-25. Through His sacrificial death, Christ has provided a way for us to draw near to God, hold on to our hope, and encourage one another by gathering together. Your presence in church on Sunday is important! Let’s talk about why!
Why is it important for me to be physically present at church?

What am I supposed to do when I come to church?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone

Jesus Is Better Than A Sequel (Hebrews 10:1-18)

In this sermon we will be talking about the single, once-for-all, sacrifice of Jesus Christ from Hebrews 10:1-18. Jesus’ work is finished and our salvation is accomplished. There will not be a sequel. That’s wonderful news because it guarantees us forgiveness, peace with God, and the ability to have assurance of our salvation.

Why is it important that Jesus died once for all my sin?

Can I add to or take away from Christ’s work?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone

Jesus Is Better Than Your Blood Donor (Hebrews 9:15-28)

In this sermon we will be talking about blood from Hebrews 9:15-28. Blood is unpleasant to think about, but a lot of the songs we sing in Worship Service talk about it. Why? Because Jesus shed His blood and died to save us. That makes Jesus better than any other blood donor that we could have.

What is the significance of Jesus’ blood?

What difference should Jesus’ death make for my life today?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone

Jesus Is Better Than Your Ex (Hebrews 8:1-5)

This sermon was preached the day before Valentine’s Day. But instead of focusing on human relationships, we’ll be looking at the best relationship you can have: one with Jesus Christ! Hebrews 8 will show us that being in a relationship with Jesus is better than any other relationship there is.
Do I have a relationship with Jesus?

What does that relationship look like in my life?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone

Jesus Is A Better Promise (Hebrews 6:13-20)

We live in a world that is constantly changing and often seems to be without hope. What can we turn to in a world in desperate need of hope and stability? We will discover in Hebrews 6:13-20 that the answer is found in Jesus Christ, who offers us a better promise of hope than we can find anywhere else. When we need hope for the future and an anchor for our souls in the here and now, we can trust Him.

What do I turn to in order to create or maintain stability in my life?

How do (or how should) God’s promises give me hope?

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Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone Jesus Is Better (Hebrews) Pastor John Toone

Jesus Is Better Than False Hope and No Hope (Hebrews 6:4-12)

In this sermon, we will look at one of the most controversial and difficult passages of the Bible in Hebrews 6:4-12. But in this hard text, we will find an amazing truth: Jesus is better than a false hope for salvation and He is better than believing there is no hope to be saved.

In other words, this week we will learn how we can know if we are truly saved.
In this sermon, we will look at one of the most controversial and difficult passages of the Bible in Hebrews 6:4-12. But in this hard text, we will find an amazing truth: Jesus is better than a false hope for salvation and He is better than believing there is no hope to be saved.

In other words, this week we will learn how we can know if we are truly saved.

As you prepare for the message, please read the passage and ask yourself, “Has faith in Christ made a difference in my life? If so, what has changed?”

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