Sermon Archive

Pastor John Toone Pastor John Toone

The Great Escape (Exodus 12)

In this sermon we look at the first Passover and the Israelites,, exodus from Exodus 12. We talk about how the exodus is a picture of how God rescues us through the death of the lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

How did God rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
How does He rescue us from slavery to sin?

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Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

Share The Gospel! (Isaiah 62)

This week we are going to be looking at Isaiah 62, the whole chapter. One core tenet of East Shore is evangelism, we love it, we share the gospel every week. We collect the evangelism stories each week to encourage us to press on.
As this is Pastor Tom's final sermon, he wants to encourage you all the more to continue sharing the gospel! It is Pastor Tom’s prayer that Isaiah 62 will only strengthen that passion of gospel proclamation.

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

Rising Tensions (Plagues Pt. 3) - (Exodus 10-11)

In this sermon we finish our study of the plagues from Exodus 10-11. Throughout this section we'll see rising tension as God brings more devastation on Egypt. At the same time, more and more people in Egypt are understanding who God is, but Pharaoh still refuses to budge until it is too late. Our time one earth will run out too, but (as long as we have breath) it is not too late for us to turn to God!

What does this passage teach me about God?
How do I respond to what God does?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

Finger of God (Plagues Pt. 2) - (Exodus 8-9)

In this sermon we continue our study of the plagues from Exodus 8-9. These chapters highlight God's power and the special care and concern that He shows towards His people. We will also consider the purpose God had for bringing these plagues and the response that He calls us to today.

Am I a part of God's people?
If so, how does He care for me?

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For The Love of God...Enough Already (Exodus 4:1-17)

Elder Tom Toone shares from Exodus 4:1-17. In this passage, Moses is told by God to do something for Him, just like He tells us to do things for Him. Moses comes up with reasons/excuses for why he can't do what the Lord is asking, just like we come up with reasons/excuses for ignoring God's directions. God is patient and gracious in reassuring Moses up to a certain point. God is patient and gracious with us as well up to a certain point. Ultimately, it is time for Moses to simply trust and obey God, just like we need to fully trust and obey.

What reasons/excuses do I come up with for not doing what God is asking me to do?
How can I trust and obey God?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

I AM To The Rescue (Exodus 3)

In this sermon we look at the powerful first encounter Moses has with God at the burning bush from Exodus Chapter 3. Along with Moses, we will learn that God is holy, that He is our deliverer, that He will be with us, that He is the great I AM, and that He is in control of all things.
What does it mean that God is holy? What difference should that make in my life?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

Preserved and Prepared (Exodus 2:1-22)

In this sermon we'll look at the first 80 years of Moses' life from Exodus 2:1-22. We'll see how God preserved Moses' life, how Moses chose to identify with God and His people, and how God prepared Moses for the task that He had in store for him. We will be challenged to praise God for how He has preserved and saved us, to choose a relationship with Him, and to trust Him as He prepares us for His purposes.

Have I chosen a relationship with God?
How have I experienced God preserving and preparing me?

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Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone Exodus: Escape To God's Presence Pastor John Toone

The Value of Life (Exodus 1:8-22)

We continue our new series in Exodus 1:8-22. This passage will teach us the value God places on life and the consequences that can occur when we don't value God's gift of life. We also discover God's loving care for His people and the greatest example of someone who values life in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

What happens when people do not value life?
How can I live in a way that defends God's gift of life?

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Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia Topical Sermons Pastor Tom Sylvia

More That A Dream (Psalm 126)

Pastor Tom encourages us from Psalm 126. We will be challenged to press on with joy, to worship God expecting Him to work, and to commit more than ever to live a life fully surrendered to Him.

Do I expect God to work in m life?
What would it look like to be joyfully surrendered to God?

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor John Toone Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor John Toone

Who Is Jesus? | Amazing (Mark 16:1-8)

In this sermon we talk about the amazing truth of Christ's resurrection and the amazing results that it has for our lives. Christ came to die and rise again, so that sinners could be restored to a right relationship with the Lord. That amazing truth should give us hope in dark times and inspire us to tell us about our amazing Jesus this Christmas!

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Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor John Toone Who Is Jesus? (Mark) Pastor John Toone

Who Is Jesus? | Courage In The Darkness (Mark 15:40-47)

Mark 15:40-47 will show us the followers of Jesus who remained faithful to Him even after His death. Several women and Joseph of Arimathea showed courage in the darkness by continuing to live for Christ, even when it would have been extremely difficult to do so. Because of the gospel/good news of Christ's death and resurrection, we can find hope and courage even in the darkest moments of our lives.

When life is hard, what do I do?
What gives me hope and inspires courage in dark times?

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