Rising Tensions (Plagues Pt. 3) - (Exodus 10-11)
In this sermon we finish our study of the plagues from Exodus 10-11. Throughout this section we'll see rising tension as God brings more devastation on Egypt. At the same time, more and more people in Egypt are understanding who God is, but Pharaoh still refuses to budge until it is too late. Our time one earth will run out too, but (as long as we have breath) it is not too late for us to turn to God!
What does this passage teach me about God? How do I respond to what God does?
- Christmas
- Easter
- Exodus: Escape To God's Presence
- Ezra & Nehemiah
- Hope in Hard Times (Lamentations)
- Jesus Is Better (Hebrews)
- Love In A Broken World - A Study Of The Book Of Ruth
- Moving Forward - A Study Through The Book Of Joshua
- Now What?
- Rejoice & Grow (Epistle To The Philippians)
- Summer Reading With The Word
- The Hope of Christmas
- The Sermon (On The Mount)
- Titus: Mission Of The Church
- Topical Sermons
- Who Is Jesus? (Mark)