A Standing Invitation from the LORD (Exodus 16)
In this sermon, we'll look at the account of how God provided food for the Israelites to eat in the wilderness from Exodus 16. This passage will remind us how we have a standing invitation from the LORD to a deeper relationship with Him. We don't deserve a relationship with Him, but He invites us to see His glory through His Word, His work, and His Son. A relationship with Him is what ultimately satisfies our souls and gives us true rest.
How does God provide for me? Do I find my satisfaction in Him?
- Christmas
- Easter
- Exodus: Escape To God's Presence
- Ezra & Nehemiah
- Hope in Hard Times (Lamentations)
- Jesus Is Better (Hebrews)
- Love In A Broken World - A Study Of The Book Of Ruth
- Moving Forward - A Study Through The Book Of Joshua
- Now What?
- Rejoice & Grow (Epistle To The Philippians)
- Summer Reading With The Word
- The Hope of Christmas
- The Sermon (On The Mount)
- Titus: Mission Of The Church
- Topical Sermons
- Who Is Jesus? (Mark)