A Holy God and His People (Exodus 19)
In this sermon we will talk about God's holiness from Exodus 19. In this passage, God comes down in holiness and power to talk to His people at Mount Sanai. He reveals His holiness and challenges His people to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation that represent His character to the rest of the world.
What does it mean that God is holy? What difference does/should His holiness make in my life?
- Christmas
- Easter
- Exodus: Escape To God's Presence
- Ezra & Nehemiah
- Hope in Hard Times (Lamentations)
- Jesus Is Better (Hebrews)
- Love In A Broken World - A Study Of The Book Of Ruth
- Moving Forward - A Study Through The Book Of Joshua
- Now What?
- Rejoice & Grow (Epistle To The Philippians)
- Summer Reading With The Word
- The Hope of Christmas
- The Sermon (On The Mount)
- Titus: Mission Of The Church
- Topical Sermons
- Who Is Jesus? (Mark)