The Church Scattered...Now What? (Acts 11:19-26)

A lot has changed in the world, our country, our community, and our church over the past 5 months. It has left many of us thinking, “Now what? What happens now? What do we do?”

For the next few weeks, we are going to consider what happens, what we should do, and how we should live in this unique time. We’re going to start by looking at the church. Some people are comfortable coming into the church building, some prefer the safety of joining us online, the church is scattered… now what?

While the effects of a pandemic on this scale is unprecedented, the church has been scattered before. We are going to look this week at Acts 11:19-26 and see what God does when He scatters His people. Discovering what God has done for His church before will help us to see what we should do now.

How is church different now? How might God be using this moment for His purposes?

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Pastor John Toone

Pastor John Toone had served as East Shore’s Associate Pastor from June 2014 until his appointment as Senior Pastor in September 2020. 

John’s passion is to glorify God and see His Word transform lives into the image of Christ, by the Holy Spirit’s power, in fulfillment of the Great Commission. He enjoys spending time with his family, talking about the Bible and theology, reading, watching movies, and cheering on the Philadelphia Eagles!


God Feels Distant...Now What?

